How A Boarding School Can Be A Positive Influence

Some people look down at boarding schools but the truth is other wise. Parents are slowly realizing the many benefits of putting their children in such place. These schools focus on all round development of the children and thus help them not only excel in their studies but also in extra curricular activities.

Often parents need to make a choice between a boarding-school and a public school. And the choice can be based on different aspect for different families. The parents need to consider so many things like financial resources, needs, and priorities that may differ from family to family. But over and above, boarding-school score much higher than a public school.

To begin with, the size of the class is much smaller in a boarding school. And due to the smaller class size, the students get much more personal attention and chances are that he will get a complete positive atmosphere for his growth and development. Such one-on-one attention allows students to develop specialized study habits and better focus while learning. But if you look at the public schools they often have a very big class size that can go up to 30 or even more. Thus it ensures personal attention for every student studying there.

Another big benefit is the qualified and experienced staff. Most of the teachers there are completely dedicated to their students. As the class size is already small, it does not take much effort for the teachers and student to develop special bonds with each other. This too acts as a good foundation for a great education.

As they do not have to face any financial limitations, there are no cut backs and the students are given the best opportunities in the field of learning. You will find these schools offering diverse programs like sports, art, yoga, equine programs, music, and many other outdoor activities like water rafting or rock climbing. Students of other schools definitely miss out on such opportunities. This clearly shows that students get a well-rounded education that is not possible in public schools.

Another advantage is that they nurture family bonds and focus on family relations. Parents are encouraged to get involved and have a complete say in their child's education. They attend meetings, participate in outings with their kids, go on adventure trips. All these develop stronger skills in the home and the child feels very close to his or her parents' despite remaining away from them in a boarding school. The family interaction goes along way in developing new skills and strategies among both parent and their children that strengthen the family bond and improve functioning at home.

To wrap up, one can clearly see the many advantages of putting your child in this place, but keep in mind that not all schools are made equal. So make some effort and put your child only in the best boarding school.

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Education Case Study - Tickling Robots Are All The Rage

Well, it's certainly difficult to get children to behave these days. In fact, there doesn't seem to be much discipline at home, and it is quite self evident in the classroom at school. The other day, I was talking to a schoolteacher at Starbucks, and she noted that if she disciplined the kids too much, she could lose her job. Further, the school principal and the administration rarely backed the teacher up over parent's complaints. "When a child comes home and cries to their mother, often their mother will go marching down to the school and read the riot act to the principal," she told me.

As we were talking about this, we started brainstorming on ways to return discipline in the classroom. In my day they would just take a ruler and slap your hand, and wow does that would hurt! I can remember in elementary school, they would just smack you, so everyone pretty much decided to behave from then on out. Well, since we can't discipline the kids, maybe we can tickle them to death, if they don't behave.

Therefore, I propose tickling Robots, and I believe a startup company should produce one of these robots, and it would be all the rage on YouTube, and they would sell a ton of them.

Of course, you couldn't use them in the schools right away, as kids might wet their pants and that could be a problem, so you'd have to work out the tickling intensity level first. But wealthy parents could use it at home at first to discipline their kids, and that's a start.

Indeed, can you imagine having a tickling robot at your next party, wouldn't that be all the rage? What if you are playing cards, and rather than playing for money, when someone lost they got tickled. And you can have different levels of tickling, and different time periods. Now then, robotic ticklers makes sense, so don't laugh, well at least if you can stand it, then don't laugh.

The whole concept this makes me smile really, how about you?

You see, we have to do something to prevent this bad behavior in our society, and a tickling robot could do the trick. How would it work you ask? Well, it would probably be similar to an electric chair, where you strap the person in where they can't move, and the robot goes in with a feather duster type attachment, and a few rubbery protrusion apparatuses on the side. And depending on the level and setting, then it would go to town, and record the voice of the person laughing, to make sure it was within the proper range.

It would tickle them just short of torture, and speaking of torturing, wouldn't this be great to use on the terrorists? We could even keep the CIA tapes without destroying them. That would make the terrorists stop, and tell us all we need to know. I bet John McCain would love this one, hopefully you will send him this article, and also pass it on to all your friends, because we need this technology now. Please consider all this and think on it.

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Educational Games That Middle School Students Will Like

History gets a bad rap from many kids who think it's boring, pointless, and dreary. But in truth, history can be one of the most interesting subjects in school if it's presented right. History games can help by bringing history to life on a computer screen or on a board game. By turning learning into an interactive and fun process, social studies games for kids and educational history software can transform history class from a dreaded event into the one class kids most look forward to. Whether you're a teacher, a home-schooling parent, or a parent looking to give your kids an extra boost at home, history games can help.

Perhaps the best example of educational history software and one that nearly everyone is at least somewhat familiar with is the Oregon Trail game. This history-based game has been used for decades to help children learn about American history and provides one of the best ways to add interactivity to your child's life. Countless schools use the Oregon Trail game, and it's inexpensive enough to install on your home computer as well. If your child needs to improve their understanding of what life was like in early America, this history game is a good place to start.

Geography games can help as well, since geography has often been a dreaded subject for many kids. Learning countries, continents, states, and even capital cities has never been any child's favorite process, but map games for kids can help make it more tolerable and even fun. From interactive point and click geography games to more in-depth ones, adding games to your geography resources can be the perfect way to help motivate them to learn more about our world. In a time where many adults can't find certain places on a map, this skill is more important than ever.

Social studies games for kids can help them learn about government and much more by creating fun simulations of real life events. Whether you're hoping to help your kids learn about history, geography, or something else, adding educational history software to your library can help ensure that it isn't a monotonous process. It can actually be fun, interesting, and surprisingly addictive. Don't overlook the power of history games when you're looking for ways to boost a child's education - they've been used for a long time with good reason, and trying them for yourself will help you see why.

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Adventure Stories and Articles: Why You Should Start Reading Them?

Reading is an excellent habit that everybody should develop in their lives. Reading helps you gain knowledge and let you experience things through the thoughts of the writer. It also opens up your mind to new ideas, culture, places, philosophies and theories. Nowadays, one of the reasons people have stopped reading because all great books have been made into famous movies. Individuals feel that they are saving time and effort by watching a movie rather than reading a book about it. They don't realize that they are missing out on an awesome experience simply because they don't choose to read the books.

If you are reluctant to read a book then you should start reading adventure stories and adventure articles. This is the real fact that human psychology always attracted by adventure. There is nothing as exciting as reading a tale of adventure that gives you a glimpse of what real life is like in a scorching desert or on a dangerous cold mountain or exploring the wilderness in a natural forest.

True adventure stories written by great writers will enthrall you such that you will find yourself holding your breath every time the hero of the novel or non-fiction is in danger. A good adventure story always absorbs the focus and concentration of the reader. A gripping adventure story will also give you a glimpse of what life is outside the comfort of your home and office. It will show you what it is like live without important gadgets like laptops and Smartphone. A good adventure story will teach you that human beings should be prepared for the unexpected and trust their instincts to get them through the day.

Lastly, a good adventure story will make you imagine what it will be like exploring foreign places and meeting new people with different language and culture. Life should be lived to the fullest and that is why you should explore it at every opportunity. To some individuals going on an adventure sounds like a waste of time but you will be surprised to discover that a real adventure can teach you many useful things. It will show you what kind of person you are and how you will act under real pressure. Therefore, if you can't step out of the house then at least start reading adventure stories and adventure articles. Someday it just might inspire you to pursue your own adventure!

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Educational Games For Teachers And Parents

Education is one of the most important aspects of our society, and our very future depends on it. But while there's no way to argue that point, there are plenty of theories on the best way to improve the educational process. For many, adding games into the mix ensures that children are stimulated, challenged, and entertained by the learning process. Luckily, there are plenty of free educational games that can be added to a classroom or home setting to help boost the learning of a child or children. From printables to free downloadable games, there are numerous options to select from.

Very small children learn best from games and from interactive worksheets. Printables like coloring pages and free educational posters allow children to draw, color, and practice their skills like writing and reading and are much easier than trying to keep their attention focused on a blackboard all day long. There may even be cut and paste activities or other options, so be sure you take the time to review everything offered when you're looking for free educational games. Most activities will be sorted according to subject and grade level, making it easier than ever to get the right ones for your children.

Of course, there are plenty of free downloadable games as well as online ones that your little ones can enjoy. You'll be able to find free learning games that cover every subject for nearly all grade levels - especially younger children. From learning to count to learning to read, free educational games can be deceptively simple in nature but provide the type of learning that children need to be engaged on a mental level. Learning today is so much more than just keeping your nose in a book and copying from it, and these games prove that with every single use.

Learning can be fun, engaging, and much more, and free learning games provide a way to keep children's active minds focused. Parents can find free downloadable games to add to their child's home life as well, giving them a way to spend time together as a family while helping them learn skills and lessons. There are no real disadvantages to using free educational games, and a few moments spent reviewing all that are available will likely end with your discovery of several that are perfect for your kids. From printable to free downloadable games, there's no shortage of options available.

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